Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #22
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #22
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #22
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #22
Day Numerology of #22 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #22 Event Patterns
Numerology Meaning
22 Means:
- Master Builder signifying Precision and Balance
- 22 Chapters in Revelations
Reduced Numerology: 2+2 = 4
Reduced Numerology of #4 Research
Word Sums
Random Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Occult Words
PG Repeating Pattern#: 5, 13, 14, 22, 23, 32
SG Repeating Pattern#: 14, 22, 31, 32, 40, 41, 49, 50, 58, 59, 67, 68, 76, 77, 85
RR Repeating Pattern#: 13, 14, 22, 23, 32, 41, 50
RO Repeating Pattern#: 32, 40, 49, 50, 58, 59, 67, 68, 76, 77, 85, 86, 94, 95, 104, 122, 131
Event Numerology Patterns
Entertainment Event Numerology
- 22:49:29 = 8/3/2
018: 'Death of a Nation' Documentary Film: Release Date
Historic Event Numerology
- 22:4
0:94:80 = 2/23/1455: Gutenberg Bible Published
- 22:49:67:48 = 12/23/1913: Federal Reserve Established
- 22:49:76:57 = 5/31/1921: Tulsa Race Riots: Coordinates: 36P/95M
- 22:31:94:75 = 3/11/1961: WTC Complex was first approved by New York's Port Authority
- 6:24:42:22 = 1/2
0/2001: George W. Bush Jr. Inauguration: 43rd President
- 22:49:29 = 5/8/2
016: Invictus Games Started
- 22:31:58:38 = 8/12/2
018: NASA: Launches Parker Solar Probe: Touch the Sun
- 22:4
0:67:47 = 8/21/2018: Carupano Earthquake Disaster: Magnitude: 7.3: Coordinates: 10P/63M
Train Accident / Crash Event Numerology
- 22:67:49 = 5/4/184
0: Catskill Rail Accident: 1 Dead: Collapse: Coordinates: 42P/73M
- 22:4
0:85:67 = 12/11/1844: Bricklayers' Arms Railway Accident: 2 Dead: Boiler explosion: Coordinates: 51P/0M
- 22:4
0:85:67 = 1/20/1846: Penshurst Railway Accident: 1 Dead: Bridge collapse: Coordinates: 51P/0M
- 22:49:1
03:85 = 4/30/1851: Frodsham Sutton Tunnel Railway Accident: 9 Dead: Rear-end collision: Coordinates: 53P/2M
- 22:31:85:67 = 11/1/1855: Gasconade Railway Accident: 31 Dead: Bridge collapse: Coordinates: 38P/91M
- 22:46:1
00:82 = 12/15/1855: New York City Central Railroad Accident: 2 Dead: Boiler explosion: Coordinates: 40P/74M
- 22:4
0:103:85 = 10/13/1862: Winchburgh Rail Crash: 15 Dead: Head-on collision: Coordinates: 55P/3M
- 22:1
03:85 = 1/1/1883: Friog Merionethshire Railway Accident: 2 Dead: Struck by landslide: Coordinates: 52P/4M
- 22:4
0:130:112 = 11/11/1890: Sumerset Railway Accident: 10 Dead: Collision: Coordinates: 51P/2M
- 22:49:76:56 = 12/28/2
016: Djebel Jelloud Train Accident: 5 Dead: Coordinates: 36P/10M
Plane Accident / Crash Event Numerology
- 22:58:94:75 = 12/3
0/1933: Ruysselede Imperial Airways Crash: 10 Dead: Coordinates: 51P/3M
- 22:67:48 = 3/3/1942: Broome KNILM Douglas DC-3 Shot Down: 4 Dead: Coordinates: 17P/122M
- 22:49:94:75 = 1
0/23/1942: Palm Springs American Airlines Flight 28 Crash: 12 Dead: Coordinates: 33P/116M
- 22:31:85:66 = 1/14/1951: Philadelphia International Airport National Airlines Flight 88 Crash: 6 Dead: Coordinates: 24P/81M
- 22:4
0:94:75 = 1/22/1952: Elizabeth American Airlines Flight 6780 Crash: 30 Dead: Coordinates: 40P/74M
North Atlantic Skyways Avro York Disappeared: 39 Missing: Coordinates: 14P/28M
Payson Plane Crash: 1 Dead: Duane Youd steals company plane, flies it into own home: Coordinates: 40P/111M
Life Lesson Event Numerology
- 22:4
0:58:39 = 3/25/1911: Jack Ruby Born: Assassin
- 22:31:49:3
0 = 6/11/1913: Vince Lombardi Born: American NFL Coach
Failed Event Numerology
- 22:4
0:67:47 = 3/29/2015: Barack Obama Attempted Assassination: Plot by three New York City men
Shooting / Attack Event Numerology
- 22:4
0:58:39 = 6/20/1913: Bremen St Mary's Catholic School Shooting Event: 5 Dead: Coordinates: 53P/8M
- 22:4
0:20 = 7/7/2006: Spiritwood Incident Event: 2 Dead: Coordinates: 53P/107M
- 22:31:58:38 = 9/16/2
013: Washington Naval Yard Shooting Event: 13 Dead: Coordinates: 38P/76M
- 13:22:49:29 = 12/2/2
015: San Bernardino Attack Event: 14 Dead: Coordinates: 34P/117M
- 22:4
0:67:47 = 2/29/2016: Middletown Madison High School Shooting Event: 4 Injured: Coordinates: 39P/84M
- 22:4
0:67:47 = 3/28/2016: Capitol Visitor Center Shooting Event: 1 Injured: Coordinates: 38P/77M
- 22:4
0:67:47 = 5/26/2016: Manhattan T.I. Concert Shooting Event: 1 Dead: Coordinates: 40P/73M
- 22:4
0:67:47 = 1/29/2017: Quebec City Mosque Shooting Event: 6 Dead: Coordinates: 46P/71M
Death Lesson Event Numerology
- 22:67:49 = 4/4/1841: William Henry Harrison Died: Age: 68: 9th President
- 22:58:76:57 = 1
0/31/1916: Charles Taze Russel Died: Age: 64: Christian Restoration Minister
- 15:42:22 = 2/4/2
016: Katie May Died: Age: 34: Playboy Model
- 22:49:29 = 4/9/2
016: Will Smith Died: Age: 49: New Orleans Saints NFL
- 13:22:49:29 = 2/1
0/2017: Mike Llitch Died: Age: 87: Owner of Detroit Tigers, Founder of Little Caesars Pizza
- 22:31:58:38 = 3/18/2
017: Chuck Berry Died: Age: 90: A Pioneer of Rock and Roll
Khensani Maseko Died: Age: 23: Rape victim
Corey "C" Struggs Died: Age: 32: Rapper
Joseph Pappas Died: Age: 62: Suspect in George H.W. Bush's doctor's killing
- 22:4
0:67:47 = 8/21/2018: Stefan Stafansson Died: Age: 43: 'LazyTown's' TV show villian 'Robbie Rotten'
DS Repeating Pattern#: 6, 20, 22, 24, 29, 31, 38, 39, 40, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 56, 57, 58, 66, 67, 76, 80, 82, 85, 94, 100, 103, 112, 130
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