Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #52
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #52
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #52
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #52
Day Numerology of #52 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #52 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 5+2= 7
Reduced Numerology of #7 Research
- Davy = 16/52 : 2
0/56 : 1105/312 - Gates = 16/52 : 29/83 : 2
03/312 - Pope = 25/52 : 11/56 : 175/312
- Ted = 11/29 : 16/52 : 1
09/174 - Wise = 2
0/56 : 25/52 : 1004/336
Number NamesPlaces
- Alamogordo = 47/1
01 : 52/169 : 293/606 - California = 52/88 : 65/182 : 219/528
- Indiana = 34/52 : 47/137 : 1
04/312 - Macedonia = 38/65 : 52/178 : 143/39
0 - Manhattan = 29/92 : 52/151 : 321/552
- Minnesota = 38/11
0: 52/133 : 365/660
Random Words
- Fertility = 52/124 : 56/119 : 729/744
- From = 25/52 : 2
0/56 : 166/312- Hat = 11/29 : 16/52 : 1
09/174- Heart = 25/52 : 29/83 : 194/312
- Now = 16/52 : 11/29 : 99
0/312- Remembrance = 52/97 : 65/2
00: 281/582- Temperature = 52/142 : 65/155 : 666/852
- This = 2
0/56 : 25/52 : 207/336- What = 16/52 : 2
0/56 : 1009/312
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Government Words
- African = 34/52 : 47/137 : 14
0/312- Authority = 47/137 : 52/1
06 : 948/822- Conference = 52/88 : 47/182 : 237/528
- Direction = 52/97 : 56/146 : 3
00/582- Door = 25/52 : 2
0/56 : 184/312- Gematria = 38/74 : 52/142 : 233/444
- Government = 52/133 : 47/137 : 1
057/798- Hampshire = 52/97 : 47/146 : 291/582
- Huntington = 52/142 : 47/128 : 594/852
- Leadership = 52/97 : 56/173 : 282/582
- Names = 16/52 : 29/83 : 166/312
- Pearl = 25/52 : 29/83 : 166/312
- President = 47/11
0: 52/133 : 393/660- Revolution = 52/151: 56/119: 1254/9
06- Russian = 29/1
01 : 52/88 : 510/606- South = 2
0/83 : 25/52 : 448/498
Occult Words
- Brotherhood = 65/128 : 52/169 : 437/768
- Confession = 47/119 : 52/151 : 383/714
- Create = 25/52 : 38/11
0: 194/312- Kabbalah = 2
0/38 : 52/178 : 45/228- Magister = 38/92 : 52/124 : 322/552
- Ordo = 25/52 : 2
0/56 : 184/312- Parables = 29/74 : 52/142 : 259/444
- Prophecy = 52/1
06 : 29/110: 666/636- Rite = 25/52 : 29/56 : 194/312
- Spirits = 38/11
0: 52/79 : 438/660- Will = 2
0/56 : 25/52 : 949/336
- Red Cross = 38/1
01 : 52/115 : 402/606 - The Cabal = 25/52 : 47/164 : 14
0/312 - Valentines Day = 52/151 : 74/2
00: 1415/906 - White House = 52/133 : 47/137 : 1375/798
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
The Green Pass officially went live on February 21, 2021 or 2/21 like 221, that is the 52nd day of the year.
Joe Biden gets his second coronavirus vaccine on January 11, 2021 or 1/11 like 111. That was 52 days after his birthday, on November 20, 2020 or 11/20 like 112. Ben Jordan a Kentucky Wildcat basketball and baseball player died on the same day at age 22. He wore #33.
- Ben Jordan sums to 52 in Reverse Reduction.
Donald Trump became the 45th president 52 years after attending Fordham University.
The date of the Super Bowl was February 5th or 5/2 like 52.
Bill Belichick and Tom Brady became 5 and 2 or 5,2 like 52 in Super Bowls together.
The coronavirus was coined in 1968, that is 52 years before the coronavirus pandemic was announced on March 11, 2020.
Washington D.C. became an independent territory of February 21, 1871, the 52nd day of the year.
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