Gematria Sums
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #98
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #98
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #98
Day Numerology of #98 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #98 Event Patterns
Beast Numerology: 9+8 = 17
- Jefferson = 44/98 : 46/145 : 882/588
- Lazarus = 26/98 : 46/91 : 892/588
- Ronald = 28/64 : 35/98 : 195/384
Number Names
- David Robert Jones = 73/181 : 98/251 :182
0/1086 - Donald Jay Rickles = 64/163 : 98/269 :1337/978
- Joseph Robinette Biden = 98/215 : 1
09/325 : 1264/1290
- Chile = 28/37 : 26/98 : 45/222
- Detroit = 37/91 : 44/98 : 348/546
- Honolulu = 37/118 : 35/98 : 588/7
08 - India = 28/37 : 35/98 : 129/3
00 - Israel = 28/64 : 44/98 : 2
05/384 - Istanbul = 26/98 : 55/118 : 462/588
- Phoenix = 46/91 : 26/98 : 472/546
- Southwest Washington = 82/28
0: 98/233 :2788/1680
Word Sums
Random Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Government Words
Occult Words
- Lupercalia = 44/98 : 64/172 : 399/588
- Lung Cancer = 44/98 : 55/172 : 399/588
- Takeshita Street = 55/181 : 98/224 : 7
04/1086 - Tropic of Capricorn = 1
00/199 : 98/260: 684/1194
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
521 is the 98th prime number.
George Washington penned a letter to a man named William Russell on September 28, 1798, expressing his concerns about the Illuminati and their plans to overturn all religion and government through the means of conspiracy.
Gerrit Cole the man considered to be the best pitcher in baseball, was born on September 8, 1990. or 9/8 like 98.
NASCAR returned from being closed on May 21, 2020, the car number 98 won.
Senate = 98
ReplyDeleteMurders = 98