Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #16
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #16
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #16
Day Numerology of #16 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #16 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology of #7 Research
- 16 is a Saturn Theme Number
- Allah = 16/34 : 29/1
01 : 50/204 - Bin = 16/25 : 2
0/56 : 51/150 - Carl = 16/34 : 29/74 : 1
04/204 - Davy = 16/52 : 2
0/56 : 1105/312 - Evans = 16/61 : 29/74 : 836/366
- Gale = 16/25 : 2
0/83 : 33/150 - Gates = 16/52 : 29/83 : 2
03/312 - John = 2
0/47 : 16/61 : 698/282 - Lynn = 2
0/65 : 16/43 : 500/390 - Mark = 16/43 : 29/65 : 121/258
- Ted = 11/29 : 16/52 : 1
09/174 - Ziggy = 38/74 : 16/61 : 923/444
Number Names
Occult Words
- Book = 16/43 : 2
0/65 : 112/258- Cape = 16/25 : 2
0/83 : 69/150- Cop = 16/34 : 11/47 : 113/2
04- Dakota = 16/52 : 38/11
0: 166/312- Dday = 16/34 : 2
0/74 : 409/204- Gold = 2
0/38 : 16/70: 81/228- Names = 16/52 : 29/83 : 166/312
- News = 16/61 : 2
0/47 : 1035/366- Paz = 16/43 : 11/38 : 561/258
- Wars = 16/61 : 29/47 : 1
071/366- Whig = 29/47 : 16/61 : 924/282
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
One [1] out of eight [8] (or [1,8] like 18) of the first people to receive the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was Ralph Evans at age 88 on January 4, 2021 or 1/4/2021 like 14. He was followed by former mayor of Merthyr.
KGB= 16