Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #61
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #61
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #61
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #61
Day Numerology of #61 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #61 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 6+1 = 7
- Dorian = 34/61 : 38/1
01 : 184/ - God = 17/26 : 1
0/55 : 61/156 - Evans = 16/61 : 29/74 : 836/366
- Harding = 43/61 : 38/128 : 149/
- Jesus = 11/74 : 34/61 : 985/444
- John = 2
0/47 : 16/61 : 698/282 - Moran = 25/61 : 29/74 : 2
01/ - Roth = 25/61 : 2
0/47 : 238/ - Screech = 34/61 : 38/128 : 194/366
- Ziggy = 38/74 : 16/61 : 923/444
Number Combinations
- One Thirteen = 61/133 : 56/164 : 442/798
- One One Three = 61/124 : 47/173 : 388/744
- Adolf Hitler = 56/11
0: 61/187 : 303/660 - Don Rickles = 47/11
0: 61/160: 311/660 - Edward Kennedy = 61/133 : 65/218 :1498/798
- William III = 61/1
06 : 74/164 :1016/636 - Ziggy Stardust = 61/196 : 74/155 :1588/1176
- Eureka = 25/61 : 38/1
01 : 301/ - Great Britain = 61/124 : 83/2
00: 434/744 - Louisiana = 38/1
01 : 61/142 : 420/606 - Ohio = 29/47 : 16/61 : 117/828
- Washington D.C. = 56/137 : 61/187 :1252/822
- Alamogordo, NM = 56/128 : 61/196 : 363/768
Word Sums
Random Words
Shape Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Occult Words
- Abrahamic = 38/56 : 61/187 : 135/336
- Christian = 47/1
01 : 61/142 : 340/606- Church = 34/61 : 29/1
01 : 302/- Cross = 2
0/74 : 34/61 : 313/444- Hebrew = 34/61 : 29/1
01 :1000/- Julii = 25/61 : 38/74 : 838/
- Miracle = 34/61 : 47/128 : 148/
- Obey = 2
0/47 : 16/61 : 457/282- Time = 2
0/47 : 25/61 : 144/282- Yang = 2
0/47 : 16/61 : 448/282
Word Combinations
- Active Shooter = 61/16
0: 74/191 :1201/960 - All Seeing Eye = 56/119 : 61/2
05 : 607/714 - Mind Control = 56/137 : 61/16
0: 426/822 - Order of Death = 65/119 : 61/2
05 : 393/714 - Perfected Man = 56/11
0: 61/214 : 339/660 - Star Wars = 29/119 : 61/97 :1342/714
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
Jon Huber signed with AEW on March 18, 2020 or 3/18/2020 [3+18+20+20] = 61 Numerology. He died 283 days later, 283 is the 61st prime number.
- His stage name was Luke Harper that sums to 61 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction with KV exception.
- Yoozoo and Nashville both sums to 39 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
- Masonry and Secrecy both sum to 39 in Reverse Reduction.