Pythagorean Gematria of #28
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #28
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #28
Day Numerology of #28 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #28 Event Patterns
Gematria Numerology
Gematria of #10 Connections
- Alan = 1
0/28 : 26/80: 62/168 - Allen = 17/44 : 28/91 : 86/264
- Antony = 26/89 : 28/73 : 631/534
- Apollo = 26/71 : 28/91 : 2
01/426 - Barry = 28/64 : 35/71 : 563/384
- Bill = 17/35 : 28/73 : 51/21
0 - Chekov = 28/64 : 26/98 : 776/384
- Damien = 28/46 : 35/116 : 89/276
- Dwight = 35/71 : 28/91 : 1
028/426 - Edward = 28/55 : 35/1
07 : 994/330 - Elohim = 35/62 : 28/1
00: 122/372 - Eric = 26/35 : 28/73 : 97/21
0 - Erin = 28/46 : 26/62 : 134/276
- Hanks = 17/53 : 28/82 : 149/318
- Joseph = 28/73 : 26/89 : 813/438
- Jr. = 1
0/28 : 17/26 : 680/168 - Keith = 26/53 : 28/82 : 132/318
- Nicolas = 28/73 : 44/116: 213/438
- Mullins = 28/1
00: 44/89 : 409/600 - Marie = 28/46 : 35/89 : 125/276
- Myers = 26/8
0: 28/55 : 605/480 - Putin = 26/8
0: 28/55 : 409/480 - Qaeda = 19/28 : 26/1
07 : 81/168 - Ralph = 28/55 : 26/8
0: 169/330 - Reagan = 28/46 : 35/116 : 134/276
- Ronald = 28/64 : 35/98 : 195/384
- Ross = 17/71 : 28/37 : 31
0/426 - Taylor = 28/91 : 35/71 : 651/546
- Vanity = 28/91 : 35/71 :125
0/546 - Wells = 17/71 : 28/64 :1
035/426 - Young = 28/82 : 17/53 : 697/492
- Alton = 17/62 : 28/73 : 211/372
- Chile = 28/37 : 26/98 : 45/222
- China = 26/35 : 28/1
00: 61/210 - Dover = 28/64 : 26/71 : 839/384
- Erie = 28/37 : 26/71 : 99/222
- Idaho = 28/37 : 26/98 : 72/222
- India = 28/37 : 35/98 : 63/222
- Israel = 28/64 : 44/98 : 2
05/384 - Jersey = 28/82 : 35/8
0: 1180/492 - Lima = 17/35 : 28/73 : 6
0/210 - Mali = 17/35 : 28/73 : 6
0/210 - Moldova = 28/82 : 35/1
07 : 855/492 - Mosul = 17/8
0: 28/55 : 390/480
- N.A.S.A. = 8/35 : 28/73 : 132/21
0 - R.F.I.D. = 28/37 : 26/71 : 99/222
- Y.H.W.H. = 28/64 : 8/44 :1316/384
Random Words
- Air = 19/28 : 26/53 : 9
0/168- Edible = 28/37 : 53/125 : 45/222
- Flight = 35/62 : 28/1
00: 150/372- Image = 26/35 : 28/1
00: 52/210- Is = 1
0/28 : 17/26 : 99/168- Naked = 17/35 : 28/1
00: 60/210- Parable = 28/55 : 44/134 : 169/33
0- Rest = 17/62 : 28/46 : 275/372
- Rugby = 28/73 : 26/62 : 689/438
- Spreads = 28/82 : 44/1
07 : 330/492- Unity = 26/89 : 28/46 : 749/534
- Wildcats = 28/91 : 53/125 :1127/546
Symbol Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Government Words
- Anagram = 28/55 : 44/134 : 16
0/330- Analysis = 28/1
00: 53/116 : 651/600- Bay = 1
0/28 : 17/53 : 403/168- Behold = 28/46 : 26/116 : 89/276
- Civil = 28/55 : 35/8
0: 741/330- County = 26/98 : 28/64 : 793/588
- Covid = 26/53 : 28/82 : 766/318
- Ebola = 17/35 : 28/1
00: 78/210- Erie = 28/37 : 26/71 : 99/222
- Grand = 26/44 : 28/91 : 132/264
- Greek = 28/46 : 26/89 : 1
07/276- Hero = 28/46 : 17/62 : 143/276
- Largo = 26/53 : 28/82 : 158/318
- Number = 28/73 : 35/89 : 357/438
- Party = 26/8
0: 28/55 : 641/480- Pfizer = 44/8
0: 28/82 : 660/480- Prey = 28/64 : 17/44 : 545/384
- Space = 17/44 : 28/91 : 159/264
- United = 28/55 : 35/89 : 358/438
Occult Words
- Faith = 26/44 : 28/91 : 124/264
- Hidden = 35/44 : 28/118 : 7
0/264- Lamed = 17/35 : 28/1
00: 60/210- Logic = 28/46 : 26/89 : 89/276
- Magical = 28/46 : 44/143 : 71/276
- Mason = 17/62 : 28/73 : 211/372
- Qur'an = 26/71 : 28/64 : 391/426
- Sepher = 35/71 : 28/91 : 248/426
- Temple = 26/71 : 28/91 : 22
0/426- Thelema = 28/64 : 35/125 : 169/384
- Torah = 26/62 : 28/73 : 239/372
- Zion = 28/64 : 17/44 : 599/384
One [1] out of eight [8] (or [1,8] like 18) of the first people to receive the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was Ralph Evans at age 88 on January 4, 2021 or 1/4/2021 like 14.
He was followed by former mayor of Merthyr.
Ralph and Thelema sums to 28 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction, Kill, Mason, Covid and Ebola all sum to 28 in Reverse Reduction.
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