Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #22
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #22
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #22
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #22
Day Numerology of #22 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #22 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 2+2 = 4
Reduced Numerology of #4 Research
- Albert = 22/58 : 41/1
04 : 208/348 - Buddha = 22/4
0: 32/122 : 219/240 - Bush = 14/5
0: 22/58 : 300/300 - David = 22/4
0: 32/95 : 718/240 - Doc = 13/22 : 14/59 : 57/132
- Dr. = 13/22 : 14/32 : 84/132
- Easy = 14/5
0: 22/58 : 496/300 - Emmett = 22/76 : 32/86 : 27
0/456 - Jape = 14/32 : 22/76 : 666/192
- Joyce = 22/58 : 23/77 : 1
058/348 - King = 23/41 : 22/67 : 66/246
- Lee = 13/22 : 14/59 : 3
0/132 - Lemmy = 23/68 : 22/67 : 485/4
08 - Menza = 23/59 : 22/76 : 576/354
- Neil = 22/4
0: 23/68 : 74/240 - Paul = 14/5
0: 22/58 : 281/300 - Pike = 23/41 : 22/67 : 84/246
- Steven = 22/85 : 32/77 : 94
0/510 - Thomas = 22/76 : 32/86 : 279/456
- Walton = 22/85 : 32/77 : 1111/51
- Athens = 22/67 : 32/95 : 244/4
02 - Boston = 22/85 : 32/77 : 332/51
0 - Dade = 14/14 : 22/94 : 14/84
- Ghana = 22/31 : 23/1
04 : 57/186 - Malibu = 22/58 : 41/1
04 : 262/348 - Tahoe = 22/49 : 23/86 : 164/294
Random Words
- Basketball = 22/85 : 68/185 : 251/51
0- Car = 13/22 : 23/59 : 84/132
- Cell = 14/32 : 22/76 : 48/192
- Clown = 22/67 : 23/68 : 1
013/402- Easy = 14/5
0: 22/58 : 496/300- Fools = 22/67 : 23/68 : 216/4
02- Ism = 14/41 : 22/4
0: 129/246- Joke = 14/41 : 22/67 : 665/246
- Life = 23/32 : 22/76 : 4
0/192- View = 23/59 : 22/49 : 1614/354
- Where = 32/59 : 22/76 : 998/354
Symbol Words
Shape Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
- Biased = 22/4
0: 41/122 : 111/240- Bomb = 14/32 : 22/76 : 84/192
- Crash = 22/49 : 32/86 : 182/294
- Damage = 22/31 : 32/131 : 48/186
- Dead = 14/14 : 22/94 : 14/84
- Hard = 22/31 : 23/77 : 93/186
- Klux = 14/68 : 22/4
0: 530/408- Ku = 5/32 : 13/22 : 21
0/192- Negro = 32/59 : 22/76 : 182/354
- Pain = 22/4
0: 23/68 : 110/240- Satanic = 22/67 : 5
0/122 : 244/402
- Anvil = 22/58 : 32/77 : 77
0/348- Cod = 13/22 : 14/59 : 57/132
- Fort = 23/59 : 22/49 : 236/354
- House = 23/68 : 22/67 : 353/4
08- Jackpot = 22/76 : 41/113 : 824/456
- Logo = 22/49 : 14/59 : 127/294
- Logos = 23/68 : 22/67 : 217/4
08- Speed = 22/49 : 23/86 : 164/294
- Warp = 22/58 : 23/5
0: 1041/348- Water = 22/67 : 32/68 : 1
Occult Words
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
Joe Biden gets his second coronavirus vaccine on January 11, 2021 or 1/11/2021 like 111. Ben Jordan a Kentucky Wildcat basketball and baseball player died on the same day at age 22. He wore #33.
- Basketball sums to 22 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction. Dead sums to 22 in Reverse Reduction.
Bamenda = 22
ReplyDeleteJesuits = 22