Gematria Sums
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #122
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #122
Day Numerology of #122 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #122 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 1+2+2 = 5
Word Sums
- Boehner = 4
0/67 : 32/122 : 190/402 - Buddha = 22/4
0: 32/122 : 219/240 - Stardust = 23/122 : 58/94 : 665/732
- Weishaupt = 41/122 : 49/121 :1373/732
Word Sums
Random Words
- Agreed = 31/4
0: 32/122 : 102/240- Reliability = 59/122 : 76/175 : 655/732
- Silence = 31/67 : 41/122 : 172/4
02- Universal = 4
0/121 : 59/122 :1145/726
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
A former N.F.L. Offensive Lineman named Lincoln Kennedy has the same birthday as Abraham Lincoln born on February 12th or 12/2 like 122.
The day after the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the United States, Netflix debuted the documentary Pandemic, starring Bill Gates on January 22, 2020 or 1/22 like 122.
ReplyDeleteTHE REVIVAL = 122
ReplyDeleteRoe vs Wade overturn leaked on May 2= 122nd day of the year
ReplyDeleteABORTION= 122 (reverse)
12 Feb= 12/2
ReplyDelete322 days remaining in the year
Lincoln's birthday