Pythagorean Gematria of #14
Simple Ordinal Gematria of #14
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #14
Day Numerology of #14 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #14 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 1+4 = 5
- 14 is a Death Theme Number
- Al = 4/13 : 14/41 : 21/78
- Bush = 14/5
0: 22/58 : 300/300 - Dee = 14/14 : 13/67 : 14/84
- Dr. = 13/22 : 14/32 : 84/132
- Easy = 14/5
0: 22/58 : 496/300 - Jape = 14/32 : 22/76 : 666/192
- Obama = 14/32 : 31/1
03: 84/192 - Paul = 14/5
0: 22/58 : 281/300 - Lee = 13/22 : 14/59 : 3
Occult Words
PG Repeating Pattern#: 4, 13, 14, 23Zodiac Names
SG Repeating Pattern#: 13, 14, 22, 32, 41, 49, 5
RR Repeating Pattern#: 13, 14, 22, 31, 4
RO Repeating Pattern#: 23, 31, 32, 41, 49, 5
Event Numerology Patterns
Historic Event Numerology
- 14:23:5
0:30= 1/20/2009: Barack Obama Inauguration: 44th President
- 14:32:59:39 = 12/15/2
012: Robbie Parker News Speech
- 14:41:68:48 = 12/21/2
015: SpaceX: Rocket Landing Event
Failed Event Numerology
- 16:34:14 = 6/2/2
006: Failed Ontario Terrorism Plot
- 14:23:41:12 = 9/11/2
001: World Trade Center Attack Event: 2,996 Dead
- 14:32:59:39 = 11/15/2
013: Attack Event Started: 137 Dead
- 14:32:59:39 = 1/22/2
016: Shooting Event: 4 Dead
- 14:23:5
0:30= 2/12/2016: High School Murder-suicide Event: 2 Dead
- 14:32:59:39 = 2/21/2
016: Shooting Event Ended: 6 Dead
Buried Event Numerology
- 14:23:5
0:30= 3/11/2016: Nancy Reagan Buried: Age: 94
- 14:23:5
0:30= 12/3/2015: Scott Weiland Died: Age: 48
William Peter Blatty Died: Age: 89
- 14:41:68:48 = 1/3
0/2017: Don Edwin Coleman Died: Age: 88
- 14:41:21 = 2/2/2
017: Eric Mumaw Died: Age: 44
Frank Ancona Died: Age: 51
- 14:32:59:39 = 2/2
0/2017: Brenda Buttner Died: Age: 55
- 14:23:5
0:30= 3/10/2017: Joni Sledge Died: Age: 60
DS Repeating Pattern#: 14, 16, 21, 23, 30, 32, 34, 39, 41, 48, 50, 59, 68
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